4 Ways to Utilize Wakelet for Productivity

4 Ways to Utilize Wakelet for Productivity

If you’ve ever used Wakelet, you may be familiar with its use as a collaborative platform. In reality, it is an incredibly user-friendly app that can be used for many purposes, both work-related and social.

If you want an all-rounder for your work day that removes the need for multiple apps, Wakelet could be your answer. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best ways to use Wakelet as a free tool for your everyday productivity needs.

1. Task Prioritization and To-Do Lists

Screenshot of Task Prioritization in Wakelet

If you work from different office spaces, or you take your work on the road with you, having a digital space to manage your tasks is essential. Instead of using apps that are designed solely for this purpose, Wakelet is designed with a broad scope in mind.

There are a plethora of task management techniques you can choose from, including the MoSCoW technique and the Ivy Lee Method, but you can also freestyle your work planning. Regardless of which approach you prefer, Wakelet can deliver.

The Column layout is the best option for this, because you can create a standard to-do list in it, or a Kanban prioritization board. Simply follow the below steps to get started:

  1. From your Wakelet home page, click Create a new collection and type a name and description for it.
  2. Click the Paint Pallet icon in the top-left of your screen.
  3. Scroll down and select the Column layout.
  4. Click + Add new column and name the title of that column, e.g., “To-do list”, or “Urgent tasks”, and hit Enter on your keyboard.
  5. Click the green Plus sign below the header to add a new task.


A good option is to have a “Done” column, so that when you’ve completed a task, you can move it there from your to-do list. Simply hover over the job you’ve finished, hold the Arrow-headed Plus icon that appears, and drag it over. Alternatively, you can delete the completed task by hovering over it, clicking the Ellipses icon, and selecting Delete.

2. Create a Feedback Board

Screenshot of Feedback Boards in Wakelet

A feedback board can be one of two things:

  • A place for you to store the feedback you’ve received, to support with annual reviews, self-motivation, and self-improvement.
  • An open forum for your team to share feedback and suggestions on anything work-related.

For the first one, you’ll just need a private collection, which is the default option when creating a new collection on Wakelet. For the latter, you can add contributors to the collection by clicking Share in the top-right of your screen and sharing the link.

You can utilize any of the layouts for a feedback board, but for general feedback, you might select the Mood board, Grid view, or Media layout. If you want to organize your feedback into specific topics, you can choose the Column layout and name each column according to the subject.

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Wakelet supports videos, PDFs, images, and links, which is useful for putting feedback into context. Your team can click the Thumbs up icon on each post, to show that they agree or like it, and this will give you an idea of how popular something is.

3. A Hub for Training Materials

Screenshot of Training Hub in Wakelet

Instead of having your onboarding and training materials scattered throughout your workplace file drives, Wakelet can double as a hub to hold everything your teams need to know. This is where the app’s wide range of features becomes apparent.

On Wakelet, a Space is where you add your collections, and Wakelet enables you to create additional Spaces. You can make one that is solely for holding training and onboarding information, to keep everything organized and easy to find.

To create a Space, simply click the Plus sign on the left of your screen, below the Circles. This will open your new Space, which you can type the name of, and add an image. Once this is created, you’re free to start adding different Collections. For example, one Collection might be for a specific system you use, and another might be for policies and procedures.

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In this instance, you’ll want to share the entire Space with your teams, rather than just singular Collections. From your Training Space page, select Members, and then Invite members. Then, copy and paste the link or code to your colleagues, or invite them by email.

It’s worth noting that anyone with a link can edit and create anything on that Space. If you don’t want this, you can make the Space public, meaning anyone can view it but not edit it. To do this, select Space settings, and where it says Publish profile, click the Enable button. You can Unpublish the Space at any time through this same process.

4. Project Planning Platform

Project planning happens across multiple mediums, and when you’re working remotely, Wakelet offers a perfect platform for ongoing preparation and progress. You might dedicate a Collection or an entire Space to your project, depending on how big it is, and how many people are involved.

For Collections, the Column layout is great for setting agenda items, objectives, and tasks for the team to add to and work from. However, any of the layouts are suitable, depending on your style and approach.

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You can collaborate with each other and post links to important files, websites, and inspirational pieces. This keeps everything centralized and organized instead of sending these back and forward via email.

Plus, if you need to demonstrate and record any of this planning, you can export your Collection as a PDF by clicking the Cog icon in the top-left of your screen, and selecting Export as PDF.

Wakelet for All Your Productivity Needs

Wakelet is an obvious choice of application, if you need a free, online platform for your work activities. It is incredibly user-friendly, and it provides unlimited space. In addition, it’s a great way to keep everything streamlined, without having to work across numerous applications.

There are no restrictions on what you can use Wakelet for, meaning that you’re free to explore its features and test it out. So, get creative and see what it can do for you.

Image of Blue W Letter With Three People Icons In Circle
How to Use Wakelet to Collaborate With Your Team Effectively

Do you need a dedicated space for collaboration and team work? Then look no further than Wakelet.

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