What Is Product Hunt and How Do You Use It?

What Is Product Hunt and How Do You Use It?

If you enjoy checking out the latest products, apps, and services online, chances are you’ve stumbled across Product Hunt, or at least heard of it. Or, maybe you’ve wanted a place to find all these new things, but didn’t know where to go.

Well, Product Hunt is exactly that–the perfect all-in-one site to find the latest… everything in tech. So, here’s everything you need to know about Product Hunt, how to use it, and who it’s for.

What Is Product Hunt?

Product Hunt is an online community platform founded by Ryan Hoover in 2013. The site is where makers come to launch their products, and where consumers come to find the latest and greatest in tech. According to Product Hunt, the site “surfaces the best new products every day”, and well, that’s true.

Product Hunt Homepage Screenshot

On Product Hunt, you’ll find some of the latest hardware, apps, and software products available. Many founders and entrepreneurs use the site to successfully launch their new product, and other mainstream products get hunted down by fellow community members.

The best part about Product Hunt is the community element. On the homepage, new products get ranked by their popularity. This popularity is determined by Upvotes from fellow community members. If you like the product, you Upvote it, simple as. The more Upvotes a product has, the higher on the homepage it sits.

On each product page, there’s also a comment section for members to discuss. Whether it’s asking the maker a question, showing support, or seeing what other people think, the comment section is the perfect place. The discussion continues on the Discussions section of the site, where members can post mini blog posts to the community.


Product Hunt Discussions Screenshot

Product Hunt doesn’t end there, though. There’s also a job board section, the company hosts an annual awards event for the best products called the Golden Kitty Awards, and the community extends to Twitter. While Product Hunt is primarily web-based, the platform does offer an app for both iOS and Android.

Who Should Use Product Hunt?

When it comes to who should use Product Hunt, it’s pretty much for anyone and everyone who loves tech! The platform does have three core user types, though.


Everyone who signs up to Product Hunt is a member of the platform. The majority of members, however, only use Product Hunt to check out the latest products on the platform.

That’s exactly what the platform is for, and members are at the heart of the platform. Without members, there’d be nobody to use the new products or even upvote them.

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On Product Hunt, you can add new products you find online to the site for others to find, if they haven’t already been launched on the platform. This is called “hunting”. Users that add products like this are known as Hunters.

For example, when Apple launches its next iPhone, I could add the product to Product Hunt. I would be the Hunter, as I didn’t make the product myself.

Why do people hunt products, you might wonder? It’s all part of the community aspect, if you find a cool product, members want to share it with the rest of the community. Some Makers (we’ll come to them next) also use Hunters to help launch their product more successfully on the platform.


And then we come to Makers. As the name suggests, Makers are the people who actually create the product and then launch it on the platform.

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For example, if I was releasing an app, I might add it to Product Hunt on launch day. I would be the Maker, as I had created this product myself.

Most Makers use Product Hunt to further their reach on launch day, just like any other form of marketing. But, it can also be a great way to receive feedback on your product by seeing how popular it is and what members think.

Of course, anyone on Product Hunt can be a combination of all three types of users. This just provides a basic breakdown to better explain the platform.

How to Use Product Hunt to Find New Products

Finding new products on Product Hunt couldn’t be simpler. The products for each day are listed on the homepage. You can toggle between viewing them by popularity or in chronological order.

Product Hunt Homepage Screenshot

By scrolling back through the homepage, you can see all the products launched on previous days. Of course, the best way to find a specific product or topic you’re looking for is through the search bar. You can Upvote products you like directly from the homepage as well.

When you find a product you like by browsing Product Hunt’s homepage, you can open it up by clicking on it. The product information will open in an on-page window, and you’ll be able to view the description, photos, videos, Upvotes, and comments.

Image Gallery (2 Images)

The Get It button will take you to the product’s website. To Upvote a product, press the bright orange Upvote button. To leave a comment, scroll down to the comment section, and type in the box. Alongside comments, you can also leave a rating for the product if you’ve used it.

How to Use Product Hunt to Hunt New Products

To hunt a new product on Product Hunt, press the orange Submit button in the top-right of the homepage. Before adding a product, ensure that your post will meet Product Hunt’s Community Guidelines.

Enter the URL for the product you’re going to be adding, and then click Get Started. On the next page, Product Hunt will ask for the details of the product you’re hunting. Add the name, tagline, links, description, and pick out some topics to categorize the product.

Product Hunt Launch Screenshot

Once you’ve added these details, click Next step: Images and media to go to the next page. Here, you’ll need to add the logo, and any images or videos about the product.

After that, click on the Next step: Makers button. Here, you’ll need to select the I didn’t work on this product button to add yourself as a Hunter. You can add the Twitter handle of the founder or company that made the product if you want.

Product Hunt Hunter Screenshot

Finally, go through the last two pages and fill out all the required information, before clicking on the Launch now button. It’s as simple as that! The product will go live on Product Hunt. Remember, products are only listed on the homepage on the same day they’re listed.

How to Use Product Hunt to Launch New Products

Just like hunting a product, to launch a new product you created on Product Hunt, press the orange Submit button in the top-right of the homepage.

Enter the URL for the product you’re launching, and then click Get Started. On the next page, Product Hunt will ask for the details of your product. Again, add the name, tagline, links, description, and pick out some topics to categorize your product.

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Once you’ve added these details, click Next step: Images and media to go to the next page. Here, you’ll need to add your logo, and any images or videos about your product.

After that, click on the Next step: Makers button. Here, you’ll need to select the I worked on this product button to add yourself as a Maker. You can also add the Twitter handles of anyone else who worked on the product with you.


Finally, go through the last two pages and fill out all the required information, before clicking on the Launch now button. It’s as simple as that! Your product will go live on Product Hunt. Remember, products are only listed on the homepage on the same day they’re listed.

Product Hunt Is a One-Stop-Shop for All New Tech

As you can see, Product Hunt is the perfect platform to use to find or launch new tech. The platform has millions of users around the world, and is a perfect example of exciting tech bringing the wider community together.

Innovation is at the core of technology, it’s why we’re all here. And Product Hunt is the perfect platform to share the latest innovations.

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