Top 10 Hyper Automation Software Solutions for You to Know in 2022

by Satavisa Pati

January 20, 2022

Hyper Automation

Hyper Automation is currently the star of the AI market! Read to know more

Automation process, without a doubt, improves the efficiency of the business process. However, it focuses on a narrow set of tasks. In this, a single technology or technology is combined into a single tool that optimizes and automates tasks. Hyper Automation, on the other hand, augments business processes and provides end-to-end automation by clubbing technologies like RPA, AI, ML, iBPMS, etc. The aim is to transform the business and IT industry by automating and optimizing various processes from start to end and to streamline complex processes with zero error. Here are the top 10 hyper automation software solutions that you should know about in 2022. 


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is the core to achieving hyper-automation. RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, is a process automation solution designed to automate different tasks that are performed in a specific order. To be more precise, RPA is a programmed software that functions across different applications to carry out basic, repetitive tasks, just as employees do at the workplace. The main purpose of RPA is to reduce the load on employees in completing simple and low-value tasks. However, RPA bot capabilities are enhanced with advancing technologies and are able to perform more complex actions that require cognitive skills. Such RPA software is also known as Intelligent RPA or Cognitive RPA.



BPMS stands for Business Process Management System or Business Process Management Software. We know that all organizations are process-based and each process involves a series of activities performed with the collaboration of employees and systems in an organized manner to achieve a specific goal. However, if the processes are not managed properly it will adversely impact the efficiency of the entire business. BPMS analyzes the business process and automates it from the start to end workflow. Intelligent BPMS or iBPMS is an upgraded and advanced form of BPMS that offers greater functionality like real-time analytics, human interaction management, complex event processing, content management, etc.


Process Mining

From optimizing business processes to risk identification, process mining plays a significant role in different industries. When processes are documented it looks simple and structured. However, in practice processes are more complex, and sometimes turn out to be less productive as expected due to various factors. Process Mining methodology provides organizations an analytic insight into business processes. It allows organizations to visualize the business process operations and helps to find out the repetitive tasks that can be automated with RPA or AI. Process mining is an important technology that enables hyper automation.


Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR recognizes text from various handwritten or printed documents and even from images, and converts it into machine-readable language. When OCR is clubbed with RPA and AI, various business processes can be automated, including decision-making with zero human interference.


Automation Anywhere

Banks and other organizations that process hundreds or thousands of applications per day laud the comprehensive RPA toolbox available through Automation Anywhere. The technology can easily pull raw data from forms and run names through KYC check-up systems. Without the need for human interference, bots can then autonomously route data to the next step in the process. 



Racking up a stellar 4.5-star rating on G2, UiPath is one of the top RPA platforms for businesses embracing hyper automation. Say goodbye to mind-numbing manual tasks—hand off responsibility to one of UiPath’s many software robots. These digital helpers can extract data from files and forms, mimic keystrokes, and move data through your systems at lightning speeds. 



Celonis lets loose a series of bots to comb your process logs and extract helpful intel. You can then use this information to better understand the way your organization operates and how you can better optimize each and every step. Supply chain experts, accounts payable teams, distribution managers—anyone overseeing a bevy of daily digital operations can benefit from Celonis to analyze big data and uncover valuable process patterns. 



A study by IBM revealed that major organizations field over 265 billion customer service calls each year. While most of these calls are handled by human representatives, only 20% require complex thinking. To lighten the load, businesses turn to AI chatbots like Intercom to handle the lion’s share of calls, including routine questions like password resets, pricing inquiries, and service tier upgrades. AI chatbots can mill through knowledge databases and FAQ centers to find answers to customer questions and use this information to train their brain to take on more challenging requests. A win-win for organizations strapped for time. 



Machine learning has opened new doors for companies to put their data to work. Instead of staring down a stockpile of disconnected data points, they can uncover meaningful insights. Platforms like Alteryx speed up the tasks behind structuring and processing data so teams can focus on generating models for greater efficiency. Using advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Alteryx can help you gather insights from all of your business documents, including PDFs, images, and unstructured data. Low-code platforms like Alteryx bestow the power of sophisticated data analysts onto casual business users and citizen developers. Using machine learning, you can dive into large chunks of data unmanageable for humans and find the best ways to perform a task—all while continuously exploring better options. 



Leading companies are turning to platforms like ProcessMaker, a top business process management showcased in the 2020 Gartner Market Guide for iBPMS. This heavy-hitting software brings together various hyper automation tools into a fully coordinated system. This helps your organization automate and orchestrate all of your key process workflows. Low-code tools allow everyone on the team, including citizen developers with limited programming experience, to have a hand in building workflows that power your organization’s success. 

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