Google Fiber Dead zones in some major US cities have been creating doubts among the subscribers of Google’s high speed internet service. There is a myth that all the Google Fiber territories are already occupied by other service providers like Verizon, AT&T, etc. However, this is not true. There are still many areas which Google Fiber is yet to take over. To determine whether you’re among those who are still waiting for Google Fiber in your area, check out the Google Fiber section in this website. It provides information about current broadband speeds in various US cities, as well as where they are going.
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Google Fiber has been rolled out in some major US cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Dallas and many more. However, many people are still looking for the truth behind is Google Fiber dead. They believe that the death of the brand is imminent because of their refusal to extend services in some cities and discontinue expansion into new regions. In short, they believe that there is no more life in the brand. Nevertheless, Google is still focusing on expanding their existing network rather than embarking on a massive advertising campaign for the next generation of Internet users.
In an interview with All Things, Sundance Communications’ Managing Editor, Mike Cafarella, denied that there is any immediate danger in the Fiber strategy. He believes that there may be threats to the current agreements in place between Verizon and AT&T, which is in effect till the end of this year. If there is a break in those contracts, Google Fiber may have a difficult time getting to roll in the remaining markets. Google is focused on making their services available in every city, rather than spending too much on each city’s expansion plans.
The company did, however, offer a bit of insight into how the changes would affect their existing offerings. You can now get more fiber in your Google Fiber network than you can get in the entire Verizon network, according to Google. That means that all Google Fiber locations will be offering more high speed internet speeds. Some Google Metro areas are already providing some of the fastest internet speeds in the country, but the additional investment is likely to make all of that a lot more worthwhile.
There is still no clear indication as to when Google will start offering their services again in the remaining cities. Although it sounds like they will want to focus on their existing network first, that doesn’t mean that they won’t want to see what else is out there. Google is always working to make their service better. If it is going to be another six months before we know something about the fate of Google Fiber, at least we can be comforted in the fact that the web company is still very much alive. They may be slowing down the expansion a bit, but it is too soon to tell for sure.
Google Fiber is dead, but the company is not. If you live in the areas that are serviced by Google Fiber, then you are still getting the best service. As with everything else, they will always be looking for ways to improve their offerings. Whether that includes webpages, or some other upgrade is anyone’s guess.