How to Make Your Email Experience More Productive Using Spike

How to Make Your Email Experience More Productive Using Spike

Chances are, you check your email more than a few times a day, and that’s almost inevitable because it’s one of the most common ways to reach the majority of people you know and work with.

However, emails can feel overwhelming when you are dealing with multiple accounts, constantly receiving dozens of new messages, or pesky promotional emails clogging your inbox.

Let’s look at how Spike can help you overcome these challenges and more.

What Is Spike?

Spike is a robust email solution that enables people or organizations to collaborate, communicate, and manage their emails with ease. Spike makes it possible for businesses to create a line of communication within the company, with clients and partners.

This all-in-one email solution allows you to get to Inbox Zero every day without leaving the main feed. It has a simple user interface, smoothly integrates with your current email accounts, and makes organizing messages a breeze.

You can get a free personal account or pay for a premium business subscription.

Download: Spike for Android | iOS | Windows | macOS (Free, premium accounts available)

How Spike Can Help You Streamline Your Workflow and Improve Your Productivity

Spike boasts several productivity-boosting features that can help you turn your inbox into an entire workspace, empowering you to make the most of your time. Here are some of the things you can do using Spike:

1. Make Emailing Better

Spike Desktop app

Instant messaging and emailing aren’t the same thing, but Spike makes them work for you at the same time by blending the best of both worlds and introducing Conversational Email.


Thanks to its chat-like threads, you can instantly communicate with your team members, clients, or loved ones without leaving your email inbox, simplifying your workflow and making emailing better.

Spike’s conversational email approach also allows you to leverage numerous instant messaging features like profile pictures to recognize your contacts at a glance, read indicators to know if they have read your message, or multimedia support for sending emojis, images, and GIFs to express your emotions or personality.

In addition, you can schedule a message to be sent later, ideal for teams working in different time zones or if you think you might forget.

Have you sent an email with typos that you’d like to undo? That’s possible, too, within 10 seconds. You can also use its text-to-speech feature to listen to your messages, or its built-in translate feature to communicate with people in multiple languages.

2. Unify Your Inbox

Spike desktop app

Improving your email productivity is about staying on top of important communications. But logging into multiple accounts each time you want to check your inbox can waste precious time.

Fortunately, Spike can solve that by integrating seamlessly with your existing email accounts, so you can get notifications for new messages no matter where they’re coming from.

Spike allows you to connect your Gmail, Yahoo!, Outlook, or iCloud accounts and instantly access all of your contacts and messages from these platforms to get your work done more efficiently.

With a unified inbox, you can sort your emails faster, respond to critical messages right away, and minimize the time you spend managing multiple accounts. You can even schedule when Spike should send you notifications, so it won’t bother you at inopportune times.

3. Collaborate Effectively With Colleagues and Clients

Spike desktop app

If you’re collaborating with a client, inviting them to participate in your Spike thread can save you time, plus add accountability and transparency to the final outcome. You can use it to update your clients about important deadlines or changes to a project through video meetings inside the app or by sharing your screen for live presentations.

Spike is also an excellent internal communication tool that can help boost your collaboration with colleagues. You can use it to create groups or channels to discuss specific topics like office announcements, company goals, new projects, or team events. You can share collaborative notes, files, or to-dos right from your group or email inbox with Spike.

4. Organize Your Inbox

Screenshot of Spike desktop

We bet that you are regularly bombarded with promotional emails that you don’t even remember signing up for, and going through all these emails and hitting the unsubscribe button can be time-consuming. Luckily, Spike can help you to organize your inbox so that you can focus on important messages.

Spike has a built-in organization system called Priority Inbox to help you sort and prioritize vital communications. Whenever you get an email, Spike checks whether you had previous exchanges with that email address and keeps it in your Priority Inbox if you did. Otherwise, if you haven’t interacted with that sender before, Spike sends it to the Other Inbox.

This way, you can stay on top of your most essential communications in your Priority Inbox while keeping promotional messages and other non-priority emails in the Other Inbox, where you can quickly scan through when you have time. You can leverage this feature on all the email accounts you have added to Spike.

5. Find What You Want, When You Need It

Screenshot of Spike desktop app

Since email is one of the most popular communication methods in the workplace, it can quickly turn into a labyrinth of information if you don’t have a method to manage it. Fortunately, you can save time and boost your productivity by relying on Spike’s conversational email approach and Super Search feature.

Spike’s Super Search lets you find what you want, when you need it, within seconds, no matter how many messages you have in your inbox. Whether you are looking for a specific text or attachment, you can search by keyword, subject, or a particular contact to instantly bring up the desired information. This is a handy feature if you constantly need to find files, notes from a meeting, or information from a conversation with a team member.

Do Everything From the Comfort of Your Inbox With Spike

If you want to be more productive and efficient at work, Spike can do that for you by allowing you to manage all your emails in one place. With its functionality and features focused on boosting productivity, it’s sure to make a big difference in how you get things done.

What’s more, Spike automatically syncs across all your devices, allowing you to access your inbox anytime and anywhere. All in all, Spike turns your inbox into a highly effective workspace.

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