Geographical and Industrial Survey for Law and Enforcement in India

AI cops

AI cops are creating a huge demand in the law and enforcement in India on the geographical and industrial factors

The importance of artificial intelligence and its subsequent components have been known for quite a long time now. They are being looked upon as tools and techniques to make this world a better place. These technologies are a great asset to humans and are programmed to reduce human effort as much as possible. They tend to possess the capability to work in an automated fashion for the welfare of society.

Therefore, manual intervention is the last thing that could be asked for or seen while operating parts associated with this technology. These machines tend to speed up mundane tasks and processes along with a guaranteed level of precision and accuracy. Apart from making the world an error-free place with their advanced techniques, these technologies and applications are positively impacting various industries for good.

Artificial intelligence is slowly but surely becoming a proficient tool to punish criminals and check unlawful actions. Many of the Law Enforcing Agencies throughout the world are using the most up-to-date solutions to prevent crime. One such solution is facial recognition which is being widely implemented in various sectors other than the law to maintain security. Artificial intelligence in policing is a framework that is evaluated with the help of computers. It can also be utilized to make decisions regarding final rulings. It is the technology that holds great promise for the future in crime detection.

This Analytics Insight report reveals the results that aim to share the future of AI cops in India, along with the impact of artificial intelligence and the role of technology in maintaining law and order in India.


Artificial intelligence is thriving in all parts of India covering every industry possible to drive revenue in the upcoming times. There are multiple tech-savvy hubs in each metropolitan city that have adopted digital transformation with cutting-edge technologies. The findings in the survey revealed that the northern region of India has the highest number of respondents out of 251.

On the basis of geographic region, out of 251 respondents, 34.60% belonged to the North of India with the western region in the second position with 21.40%. Tagging in the third position was South India with 24.70% whereas it could be observed that the Eastern Indian had the lowest respondents out of 251 with only 19.30%.

AI cops


North 34.6%
South 24.7%
East 19.3%
West 21.40%


The outbreak of smart functionalities of artificial intelligence is the reason why there is more productivity in India from multiple industries. AI has instigated organizations to boost efficiency and meet customer satisfaction by reducing potential human errors in Industry 4.0. 251 respondents work in different types of industries across the world while the Information Technology and Service sector have the highest number of workers in the global tech market.

According to the survey with 251 respondents, the highest number of respondents belonged to the Information Technology and Software industry with 32.70% while the second industry was the education industry at 26.50%, followed by the business sector with 10.20%. The banking and financial industry consisted of 8.20% of the respondents. It is followed by a good percentage of respondents each for multiple industries such agriculture, automobile, media & entertainment, healthcare, defence, and construction.

AI cops

Information Technology & Services 32.7%
Education 26.5%
Business 10.2%
Banking, Finance, and Insurance 8.2%
Agriculture 6.4%
Automobile 4.3%
Media & Entertainment 3.7%
Healthcare 3.1%
Defence 2.9%
Construction 2%

Thus, it can be said that the law and enforcement department of India can reap the benefits of AI cops to protect citizens as well as reduce crime rates in the country efficiently in the nearby future.

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