Searching for How To Remove Signature From PDF? Then you visited the right place. Here I have given different ways to solve this issue.
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How To Remove Signature From PDF
Locking a PDF file with a digital signature prevents the creator of the file from modifying it. If you work on the same computer that created the PDF, you can create a program that you can sign, which gives you the ability to remove the digital signature. You can remove digital signatures from PDF by downloading the PDF element.
#1 Method: Use dedicated products to remove signature from PDF
There are some alternative ways you can avoid having to resort to this solution in the future, such as using a product dedicated to the production of digital signatures, such as SignX.
It is much easier to remove a digital signature from a PDF file than to have only one signature. The first thing you need to do is determine if there is at least one valid signature in the PDF file and then apply what was created in the file before that signature was added or created.
The following code snippet shows how to remove digital signatures from a PDF file. The PDFFileSignature class has a RemoveSignature method that allows you to remove the signature from the PDF. The quickest way to remove a signature is to remove only the signature field, but it is also possible to remove all signatures and keep the field in the file signed.
#2 Method: Remove within the PDF document
To remove the signature, open your PDF document, locate the signature and select it. To delete the digital signature, right-click on the box and select Delete signature. Click on the signature field to the right of the mouse and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
Once you have deleted the signature, you can remove the field from your document. In this case, you have the right to edit the PDF file and, to do so, remove the signature field by taking the file and setting an edit mode.
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It is recommended to apply the signature to the PDF file and keep a backup of the original file under a different name and location. Digital signatures are added after creating a PDF file, so you will need to move the PDF document to the previous version to delete the digital signature from the PDF. Since digital signatures are created after the file has been created, the user must find the signature field and delete the value.
As stated above, you cannot remove the signature if someone else has signed the document. However, if you are the only signatory, you can remove your signature by working on and editing the document.
How to see all signatures
When we click on Digital Signature, we see several operations, tools, and extensions in the Digital Signature field. Click on the Document Options menu bar and the signature shortcuts for the Digital Signature tool in the menu bar. When you click on the signature symbol, you will see all the signatures and select the one you want to use.
#3 Method: Use Adobe Acrobat to remove signature from PDF
If you want to remove the signature from a PDF document, you can use the Delete option. Open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat, go to Tools > Content, select Objects, click on the signature field and press the delete button. If you do not remember the security code, you can remove it from the file as easily as possible.
It depends on your PDF file, what digital signature you want to remove, and how you delete it. There are different opinions along the way, and the Internet can help you find more ways to delete or remove digital signatures from PDF documents.
#4 Method to remove signature from PDF
To remove the signature field, use the method PdffieldCollection.RemoveAt (int, index). Like any other form field, you can only remove the digital signature field if you are the one who signed it and have access to the private key. Adding the field is not recommended.
If executed correctly, you can obtain a digital ID to sign a PDF file with an authorization or password that restricts who can edit the PDF document and a digital signature that prevents the signed PDF document from being edited.
#5 Method: Open the PDF with the preview to remove signature from PDF
It will give you a version of the PDF file in which the signature is used. Once you have received the signed PDF, you can ask the signator to remove your signature, share it or send an unsigned copy of it. When you open the PDF with the preview, it is easy to delete your digital signature.
Can also use the above methods for multiple signatures in a PDF document. The above method can also be used if there are multiple signatures on the PDF document.
The current version of PDF maintains the order in which new signatures are added to existing documents. Any changes made to your document after it has been signed when you view the PDF are still marked with the PDF signature.
#6 Method to remove multiple signatures from PDF
Suppose your PDF contains multiple signatures or document timestamps, and the signature you want to remove is not a new one. In that case, the manipulation will break at least some of the new signature timestamps.
In such a scenario, the user must remove all digital signatures from the PDF file. Users can manually remove digital signatures with a manual solution, but they cannot delete them in batches in a PDF file. Therefore, we need an alternative solution to remove the digital signatures of several PDF files without delaying the process.
Advantages of Digital Signature
When preparing a document for digital signature, add one or more digital signatures to the field, depending on how many signatures are required. A digital signature creates an additional level of protection and prevents further modification of the PDF document without choosing the security code.
Wrapping Up
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