Pivot tables help search your Google Sheets for duplicates. They are flexible and quick to use, so they are a great starting point if you are unsure if you have duplicates in your data.
In this article, you’ll find a few ways to remove duplicates in Google Sheets. However, there are other ways to remove duplicates from Google Sheets, including using Google Apps and scripts that can be purchased or added to the Google Workspace Marketplace.
How To Remove Duplicates In Google Sheets

Removing duplicates is shared in Google Sheets, but there are no unique options to remove duplicate records. Removing duplicate tools is the most robust and convenient way to remove duplicates from Google Sheets, so you should start with that.
For this example, we will use a short contact list with some of the worst offenders of duplicate data. You can select a cell in your inventory, click or drag it from left to right to highlight the partition you want to search for duplicates during the removal process.
When you try to find duplicates in a column, two columns, or the entire worksheet, Remove Duplicates deletes cells with the same data. Note that this function only removes duplicates if they are not associated with the data. Using the “Remove duplicates” icon removes duplicate data from the record but does not affect the surrounding data.
If you want to remove duplicates from Google Sheets, you must use the unique feature. This function helps to eliminate duplicate rows in a cell without affecting other cells in the row. The unique feature in Google Sheet provides a feature that allows users to remove duplicate values while maintaining exceptional value.
Let’s see how you can use the unique feature to remove duplicates in Google Sheets. If you are dealing with a single column, integral data or area, then a unique feature is an excellent option to remove duplicates.
The best way to remove duplicates without ruining the order of your record is by using conditional formatting. You can use the countIf () function to identify duplicates in a separate column and highlight them in Google Sheets using conditional formatting. You can use the remove-duplicates function to remove duplicates.
It allows you to filter duplicates in Google Sheets and delete them in a flash. The following method filters duplicate from Google sheets in a single column. If duplicate filtering involves multiple columns, the procedure is the same as above with the CountIfs formula below, followed by execution of the counting logic.
Although it may not be as apparent as Excel, Google Sheets offers various ways to remove duplicates from your spreadsheets. With Google Sheets, you can remove duplicates in your documents using three methods, ranging from simple built-in features to custom scripts.
There are several ways to remove duplicates in Google Sheets, but I will show you how to use two main methods to remove duplicates in a row. We will learn how to remove a duplicate using Google’s built-in remove duplicates feature. The first method we will look at is to use the built-in Google Sheet feature to find a unique entry to get rid of the record.
Next, we need to automate a quick method to remove duplicates in Google Sheets. We need to remove duplicates of a single column value and duplicates from other columns.
Next, we want to remove duplicate names and their purchase values. If you click Remove duplicate, you will see that Google Sheets eliminates the name of the duplicates and their purchase value.
Now that we found an easy way to highlight duplicates in Google Sheets, the next task is to remove duplicates. Use Google App Scripts or use the built-in features of Google Sheet to remove duplicates. Select the entire column in the Google Sheet that contains duplicate data.
To solve duplication in your workflow, documentation and data analysis, Google has introduced the Google Sheets platform, which provides built-in duplicate removal capabilities. Learn how to use multiple methods to remove duplicates from your Google Sheet to save time.
In this post, we will discuss some of the best ways to remove duplicates in Google Sheets. We show you how to remove duplicates in Google Sheet using the built-in duplicate removal feature and offer some advanced alternatives if this is not enough.
This tutorial shows how to avoid duplicates when automating copying data from Google Workspace and removing duplicate rows of spreadsheet data. With Google Apps and scripts, you can copy email attachments from Gmail collections into Google Docs, sync spreadsheet data from lists and pages on Google sites like Google Calendar with your contact list, and so on. Follow this tutorial and try the instructions yourself in the demo table below.
After you have added the Remove Duplicates add-on to your Google Sheets document, you can use it. Open the document (Google Sheets), click the Add-Ons tab, click Add-ons and open the Find and Remove Duplicates box at the top of the list of displayed add-ons in the Add-Ons dialog box click Remove Duplicates Add-on and then click the blue “Install” button on the screen. In the options menu, click Add-ons and move the cursor over “Remove Duplicates Add-On.”.
Add-ons are tools developed by third-party developers to enhance or simplify your Google Sheets experience. Add-ons are available to find and remove duplicates from your spreadsheets in Google Sheet.
Wrapping Up
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