Bartenders and Croupiers in Casinos Are Being Replaced by Robots

Bartenders and Croupiers in Casinos Are Being Replaced by Robots

The Future is Here: Bartenders and Croupiers in Casinos Are Being Replaced by Robots

by Analytics Insight

February 4, 2022

Bartenders and croupiers may get replaced by robots in multiple online/physical casinos

There has been a tremendous advancement in the development of robots, from their ability to scan the surface of Mars to their ability to clean our houses. It’s hardly unexpected that the casino business is looking at ways to take advantage of these technological advancements, given the current state of affairs. When it comes to the use of new technologies, the casino business has no problem at all. There are many examples of using AI in casino games. This is significant in the case of online casino pokies, which uses the RNG system. As the popularity of online casinos with pokies increased as time went on they offered free spins pokies online to their customers in order to allure more new clients and maintain the old ones. Automatic card shufflers, smartphone applications, cashless payments, and even online and virtual casinos have all been introduced to make things simpler for the client and more cost-efficient for the casino operator. 

Though one major technical advance is on the horizon, it might transform everything about playing at a live casino. Despite the fact that the notion of the robot has been around for hundreds of years, it was only in the 20th century that it became widely accepted, due largely to popular science fiction authors, animated cartoons, and Hollywood films. It is also worth noting that in the casino industry AIs were accepted after the development of Hollywood film-themed pokies. Nowadays gamblers can find the best online pokies in the online casinos that are reputable and prominent with their services and quality.  We’ve had robots working for us for decades, despite how they’ve been depicted in the media. For years, robots have been silently working in fields such as industry, research, and even household housekeeping. The casino business, on the other hand, intends to use the robot in a crucial role: that of a croupier.


Robot Croupiers

Imagine a croupier that never got tired, never made a mistake, was always friendly with patrons, and could detect cheating? A robot croupier, on the other hand, could accomplish all of this and more without ever taking a break, getting ill, or requesting a raise.

In December 2015, Min, a card-dealing robot, was unveiled. Later, this prototype was used at casinos in Macau and the United States. It is also worth noting that nowadays the Australian casino industry embraces AI in order to make casino games and services more sophisticated. Despite the fact that Paradise Entertainment claims to have created the first “human-like” robotic dealer, there are still questions about whether certain markets were ready for Min when he was released. While some players want to be left alone while playing a game, others prefer to converse with the dealer, which Min was, unfortunately, unable to do.

A new robotic croupier was unveiled in 2017 at the entrepreneurial conference Slush, as we are all aware of the rapid advancements in technology. According to Minja Axelsson, a co-creator of the project, the robots are quite convenient when it comes to mobile casinos, as well as online and traditional casinos, and AI interacting with a computerized blackjack table provides a flawless experience. Aside from pre-recorded vocal lines at particular periods in the game, this robot was still unable to speak with players. Even though this InMoov prototype had its limitations, its creators acknowledged that this was only the beginning of a more sociable robot’s evolution.

This AI-enhanced robot was shown at the Macau Gaming Show and comes equipped with a high-definition screen and mood music. Reports said that the robot was capable of dealing cards, but there was no sign that it possessed the social skills that previous robots did not.

It is worth noting that some of the Las Vegas casinos have already started using robots to take the place of employees. Employees at gambling arcades have had a difficult time with it. Casino operators can maintain productivity by using robots in the workplace. 


Robots In Casino Industry

This doesn’t mean we should ignore the fact that there are already robots working in casinos today, even if they can’t yet equal the experience of a human croupier. Casinos are now using robots in a variety of ways:

Casinos throughout the globe are resorting to robots to speed up the bartending process, which is one of their most crucial services. It’s not uncommon for lines to form at the bar at busy times, whether it’s because of servers running low on supplies or angry customers. Fortunately, robotic arms have stepped in to fill the void, pouring you the ideal drink.

The robots are programmed to record video, watch for unusual activity, and alert the user if something is left unattended. In the event of a fire or similar potentially hazardous heat source, they are also fitted with sensors that search for heat.

This doesn’t mean we should ignore the fact that there are already robots working in casinos today, even if they can’t yet equal the experience of a human croupier. In an effort to speed up the bartending process, casinos all around the globe are turning to robotics to assist alleviate bottlenecks. It’s not uncommon for lines to form at the bar at busy times, whether it’s because of servers running low on supplies or angry customers. Fortunately, robotic arms have stepped in to fill the void, pouring you the ideal drink.

Get it delivered if you don’t have time to visit the hotel’s café or restaurant. Once you’ve made your purchase, you can relax and go about your day while the crew prepares your order for delivery by robots who will ring your doorbell to let you know. These two services are two instances of this technology in action, and though they are now only available at the MGM Grand-owned Vdara Hotel & Spa, comparable services will soon be available on the casino floor.

It is worth mentioning that strict security is standard at casinos, but some hotels have gone a step further by installing robotic security guards to protect the safety of casino guests at all times. These robots are programmed to record video, watch for unusual activity, and alert the user if something is left unattended. In the event of a fire or similar potentially hazardous heat source, they are also fitted with sensors that search for heat.

In order to prove oneself as the greatest, you must compete with the best. However, how can you test yourself against a supercomputer? Chess is a game where a computer’s intelligence and foresight are irrelevant. Humans are capable of defeating it. People can locate these technologies outside of chess, too. In games where ability is a primary aspect, AI has made its way in.

Artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be used in a game in which the outcome is determined by chance. Table games are included in this. A casino can’t utilize an AI when it needs to calculate a player’s movements. When it comes to predicting the outcome of a football game, for example, the AI is unable to accurately forecast the outcome. Depending on a team’s current form and talent, supporters may be able to make reasonable guesses. Nonetheless, AI is a concern for poker players.

Roboticists are developing a machine that can foretell a player’s future move and calculate the probability of that move occurring. Pros in the game of poker are set to face a tougher challenge. 

So, is it possible to keep the machines out of the casinos? It’s unlikely. Casinos will need to beef up their security and safety measures if casino robots are fully implemented. If a casino is completely automated, it does not matter. 

What Does The Future Hold For Dealers?

Thousands of casino workers in Las Vegas have lost their jobs because of this question. An estimated 38,000 people, including cocktail waiters, bartenders, maids, and chefs, are without a job because of this. Employees are patiently waiting for the casinos to finalize their employment contracts. It’s unclear where they will be in five or ten years. Workers believe that the casinos will eventually let them go.

If you’ve ever been on a Royal Caribbean ship, chances are you’ve seen the robotic bartender that mixes beverages for passengers, produces personalized cocktails, and even entertains them with dancing moves. Since its debut in Las Vegas, the so-called “Tipsy Robot” has been a step in introducing gamblers to the world of robotic labor and so paving the way for casinos to begin employing nonhuman dealers.

It is not yet clear whether or not casinos will be able to completely adopt robot technology, despite the fact that certain robot technology is already in use in various gaming areas. At this point, it’s not obvious whether the basic economics are in place for the introduction of robotic dealers in a more wholesale style. It suggests that while replacing live dealers with robots is not currently a viable option, they may serve as an effective stand-in for a live dealer in the short term.

This opens the door to the potential of having real dealers on duty during busy moments and a virtual dealer on duty during downtime or after hours. This would assist to reduce expenses for the casinos while allowing them to come to an agreement with their customers on what they want and need in terms of gaming.

Despite the fact that harnessing robotic technology seems promising for casino owners, it is important to keep in mind that any equipment of this sort might be exposed to hacking and exploitation. When creating the software that would power these robot salesmen, much care must be taken to ensure their safety and ultimate invincibility.

At the present, the robot can simply deal cards, but there is a discussion of enhancing the technology so that it can detect players’ faces and communicate in multiple languages. To take it a step further, robotic dealers might be developed to play against players convincingly and settle split pots. A Hanson Robotics salesman with a moving face and greater interactive skills has even been reported.

Small chat, laughter, and the opportunity to congratulate successful players on their victories are all possibilities that this technology may soon be able to handle. When players lose a hand, it will be fascinating to observe what happens to the robot dealers. Currently, the early reaction to robot dealers has been mainly positive.

Is it possible that the absence of a human croupier will alleviate the issue of players verbally abusing the robot? Robotic croupiers may have hidden advantages, as well as visible ones since casinos profit from a lower frequency of dealer mistakes.

Despite the fact that most people like seeing robots, they are apprehensive of interacting with them, particularly those that resemble human beings. Yet there is the potential for novice players who prefer to make their blunders in a less humiliating atmosphere to seek out robot-gaming tables rather than risk playing against a human dealer.

Overall, it seems doubtful that tech firms and casinos would abandon their ambitions to install robot dealers on the world’s gaming floors altogether, but the transition will not occur over night, either. Replicant roulette might take a long time to become ubiquitous. It’s a good thing for casino dealers who are probably concerned about their long-term employment prospects.

Even though the prospect of robots doing human work is appealing, something is still lacking. The human element is what’s been lacking. Even if a robot is very quick and/or efficient, it still needs assistance from a human. 

Frumer, a John Hopkins University professor, believes that the debate over whether or not humans will be replaced by robots is a myth. According to her, a person may be hired for a fraction of the cost of a robot. Even if it doesn’t give people some peace of mind, remember that no robot will ever be able to completely replace human contact. If more firms start adopting robots, there will be more employment.


What Are The Advantages Of Using AI In Casinos?

AI may be used to detect whether a victory is too good to be true at poker or blackjack, and then take action accordingly. Casinos are meant to be enjoyable, but criminals who want to transfer money online may try to do so by abusing a transaction that seems to be benign. In order to transfer significant quantities of money, a player might purposely lose at poker to a particular player (where the receiver is the only other person with an active hand). Additionally, AI may be used to establish initial transfer amount constraints and then ease them if it seems that a player is real.

Limits on withdrawals are common, but they may be tightened if players demonstrate suspicious activity, which can occur for a variety of reasons (to prevent someone who has had a sudden rush of good luck withdrawing everything immediately).

Oftentimes, persons who successfully steal money or credit card information wind up spending it on drink binges or profitable gambling sprees. Hence, to verify personal information like addresses and identities, major online casinos increasingly use KYC (Know Your Customer) methods. Anti-fraud efforts are now necessitated by AI. As a company owner, reputational damage in a highly competitive casino sector may be disastrous, thus countering it is critical. Players who are concerned about losing their personal information when playing at an online casino may quickly turn away from the site since there are many other options available.

Because of the need to combat money laundering and other forms of fraud, it is usual practice for online casinos to limit player access to a single account per household. It is possible to trace the IP addresses of players who log in from various areas, which helps to prevent players from getting together in the real world and working together unfairly in online games like poker or blackjack.

Although algorithms aren’t flawless, they’re a valuable tool in the fight against cybercrime. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a French player playing from Kazakhstan is trying to steal your data, particularly if their initial move is to withdraw as much as possible. AI, on the other hand, is able to continuously monitor data without falling asleep and, more significantly, without the casino having to hire an unfeasibly expensive crew. That specific scenario would be obvious to everyone.

While the extreme case above is an example of an uncommon form of behavior, AI may also identify subtler variants (such as the poker collusion example discussed before). Predictive models may be created and account features restricted or even players banned if the opposite occurs (such as folding in poker when a player has a very good hand). As long as the AI can keep an eye on everything, it’s a tremendous asset, but the ability to appeal to players is crucial since even simple actions might look suspicious (we’ve all experienced fat finger syndrome).

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